Existed & Viewed Since 2010

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


This was happened on the day I was working...

There is a mother and a daughter that was happened to be our customer had their lunch together. I was the one who welcome them to their seat, gave them the menus, who took the order and others. Then, she asked for the wifi's password and suddenly she praised me for having a good English communication. From the beginning, I spoke English to them, "Welcome, Mdm. Would you like to sit first and I bring to you the menu books", "Here, Mdm the menus", "And place your order here, ok. Thanks" and that was how normally I spoke to my customers. Then, when she was so amazed with my language or communication or whatever, so I told her that I was actually a student (trainee teacher) who was working part-time and she asked me more and more and I said I was on the third year, soon teaching English and so so and I thought our conversation ended there and then.
Then, she waved hand to me again and called for me and I went to her table, table number 9. She was asking whether I am interested to home-tutor her daughter whose currently in Secondary 2 and I said I wasn't so sure because I wasn't trained for secondary school students and I only be ready to home-tutor young kids English subject. She insisted to, and left me her contact number and asked me to call her real soon to discuss on the timetable arrangement and so so so.

Until now, I have not call her but I am offering my senior (which trained for secondary) this opportunity, as he might deserve this. Right?

We just wait and see! :)

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